With us
In each of us there is energy, infinite potential that finds its own form. This form can limit your lifes’ energy, or be a unique expression. We explore ways to let lifes’ energy flow. In and through movement, silence and creating, we share our experience to inspire you to free your energy and find your own expression.
We have experienced how the pursuit of trying to be or become something limits, blocks, inhibits, frustrates and eventually makes us sick. Our paths have met in search of supposedly lost life energy. We have experimented, experienced, witnessed, lost dogmas and gained insights that we now can share in order to let your life energy flow again .
— Inara & Simon
What is a Simon? I often ask that myself… or more detailed ‘what MAKES a Simon’? What, what for, how, who am I? On the path of personal de-velopment through various identities, this essence has emerged:
creator<-> thinker
athlete <-> meditator
engineer <-> photographer
Inara means shining light, and that is exactly what I want to bring forth, in you, in me and in my environment. I am a multifaceted/talented person who’s never tired to curiously and humbly explore the big picture behind, in and around everything with all its shadow and light. I love to see people in their essence, to discover their uniqueness that enriches the world in its diversity. I nudge, ask questions and accompany people through movement and silence on their way to their natural, unique expression.
A few of my expressions are…
yogini <-> outdoor lover
project consultant <-> creative nourisher
listener <-> truth seeker
“Don’t be fooled by the hype! You are not here to become someone, you are here to realize your highest potential”
— Aaravindha Himadra