
Creation is an expression of silence. There is an energy flow in creation. An expression and impression of our flow.

“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are” (Roosevelt)
Best, or even above all, do what you don’t know! Don’t let yourself be limited by what you’ve learned, let the ideas and associations run, romp, rage, fall, get dirty, break, get up again, learn!

Design your habitat according to your needs.

“Stealing from one is copying, stealing from many is inspiring” (Austin Kleon)

Get inspired, open your eyes and look with an undenied heart at what is there in this world. Choose your own world and let it take shape with your hands!

Denn – wer Schlüsse zieht kann das Licht nicht sehen,
Verstand lenkt ab du musst ins Unbekannte gehen

— Käptn Peng

For You

If you want photos of YOURSELF, for application, website, masquerade ball, or a small documentary accompaniment, I am down to de-velop your own expression with you…

∼ 250€ for half a day of work (joint development of expectations, selection of location, photos, selection and development in ‘Adobe Lightroom’ with specially developed ‘filter’ = development settings of colors, contrasts etc…)

References (excerpt)



… some documentary, some participation and capturing from the centre, concert photography, travelling, I’ll do it! Best if the event / workshop / trip to be photographed suits me, my style, my heart, my rhythm.

∼500€ per day work
(Clarification of tasks, development profile, photography, selection and development = extensive photoset!)

References (excerpt)

Theaterfestival Isny


I design with pleasure on demand, but preferably together with YOU, your lamps, drying racks, toilet brushes, purses, camera cases…
… unconventional, original, beautiful things for everyday life and the immediate environment

∼ we really have to make this up personally and in relation to the task!

References (excerpt)

Alte Lederein Köln

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.

— Roosevelt