let ~ energy ~ flow
Prana? Panta Rhei? Pranarei!

Die Stille ist das Zentrum
In der Bewegung entsteht der Ausdruck
Sich durch Kreativität ausdrücken.

We help MAKERS to let their DOING become BEING
In each of us there is prana, life energy, infinite potential that finds its own form. This form can limit our life energy, or be our unique expression.
We explore ways to let this energy flow. In and through movement, as well as in and through silence and creation, we accompany you to de-velop your own expression to let your energy flow again. Pranarei.
Marina Inara & Simon
Two heartful individuals who at some point started the experiment of trying to control lifes’ energy and flow and … failed.
So now there is this new experiment: to rediscover, un-fold and free our lifes’ energy (prana), the flow, our true being : through movement, creation, in and out of the silence, the source of everything.
We let you experience, feel and de-velop these approaches and ways yourself in order to grow together in unfiltered openness.

“Humility is the untinged open wildness
in the presence of all possibility.”
— Aaravindha Himadra